There are times when some major procedures, like tooth extractions or oral surgery, will require your dentist to prescribe specific medications prior to or after such a procedure takes place. The purpose in doing so is to prevent or fight any possible infection and alleviate subsequent post-operative discomfort or pain.

Your medical history is one of the most important records you can provide. Make sure you share your entire history. That means you should include any medications your doctor has prescribed for you. This is critical because some of the medications your dentist uses could conflict or interact with another medication you are taking and cause serious side effects.  It is also imperative that you alert your dentist to the fact of whether or not you have had allergic reactions to certain medications.

Here is one last thing you should remember. You might receive a prescription from your dentist to control pain following a procedure. If so, be sure to follow any dosage instructions as indicated on the bottle. If the pain should stop before you finish your medication, don’t stop taking it until you have taken all of your pills.


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1700 Broad Street, Suite 130
Chattanooga, TN 37408


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