Standards and Best Practice

The media coverage on infection of national and worldwide outbreaks of diseases like AIDS and strains of viruses that are multi-drug resistant, has created increased concerns about infection control during medical procedures.

Today, gloves, gowns and masks are mandatory in all dentist offices. Fewer than one-third of all dentists wore such personal protective equipment, or PPE, just a few decades ago.  After a patient visit, disposable PPE, including Gloves, drapes, needles, and scalpel blades are thrown away. Hands are also washed and a new pair of gloves are worn when seeing the next patient.

Hand instruments that are used in any patient procedure are washed, disinfected and/or sterilized with steam or chemicals after use.

The most effective method for eliminating disease transmission is washing our hands, which is something we practice in our office. Before and after glove use, It is routine procedure to wash hands at the beginning of the day, and following touching any surfaces that may be contaminated.

Water Quality and Biofilms

If the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and the American Dental Association are followed, any concerns about infection or water quality in a dentist's office are unfounded.

The risks associated with so-called "biofilms or microscopic germs that collect on virtually any surface have been called into question by some health “experts. These bacteria and fungi occur everywhere. This can include the faucets in your home so your body is no less accustomed to being exposed than in any other situation.

There is no scientific evidence that biofilms cause disease. In the case of a compromised or weakened immune system, you are potentially susceptible to germs everywhere. Please let our office know if you have such a condition. We will take additional precautions, if necessary.


Request an appointment and one of our staff will call you to help you schedule your appointment.

Our Location

1700 Broad Street, Suite 130
Chattanooga, TN 37408


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