The most common areas for oral piercings are around the mouth or in the tongue. This popular trend does not come without its risks. Despite the precautions that are taken in such a procedure, that does not eliminate the possibility of injuries or problems afterwards. There’s always the possibility of cracked or chipped teeth. You might also experience swelling or difficulties with swallowing. Then there’s contending with scars and possible issues with taste. Plus, the chance you might choke on a piece of dislodged jewelry is always present. Before you proceed, you might want to ask yourself if the risks are worth the problems you may face later on.

The most serious long-term health issues are the damage that could occur to the soft tissues. Those tissues include your cheeks, gums and palate. If the procedure is performed in an unsterile environment, this could expose you to deadly infectious diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis, both of which have serious health consequences.

Tongue piercings are one of the most popular forms of body piercing. They, however, have their drawbacks. These piercings have caused blocked airways because of a swollen tongue, which can be life threatening. There have also been cases where tongue piercing can result in uncontrolled bleeding.


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