What are Sealants?

Sealants, which are liquid coatings that harden on the chewing surfaces of teeth, have demonstrated a great deal of effectiveness in preventing cavities. They've even saved teeth where decay has begun.

Teeth consist of very intricate structures, which contain small pits and grooves. You can brush thoroughly and still miss these details on the chewing surfaces of your teeth leaving these areas open to potential decay.

To fill these intricate crevices, sealants are applied to the chewing surfaces with the sole purpose of preventing bacteria and other debris access to the crevices on the tops of your teeth.

It was 50 years ago when sealants were first developed. However, it wasn’t until a decade later that they came into continuous use. They have become popular in dental practices and have proven to be quite effective. Sealants work especially well in young children as a preventative measure. Many times they are applied to molars because there are no signs of decay. Sealant can be applied to teeth when there is decay and have been effective in preventing any additional damage.

Sealant Application

Before the sealant is applied, the tooth is thoroughly cleaned. Following that, the tooth is etched with a chemical substance. This procedure gives the sealant a better chance of adhering to the tooth. Once the sealant has been applied, a warm light source is directed at the tooth to prompt faster drying. A re-application is generally needed every five to 10 years.


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1700 Broad Street, Suite 130
Chattanooga, TN 37408


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